Frequently Asked Questions

What are your hours of operation?

Currently, Bigelow is open from 8:30 – 5:30 Monday to Friday.

When is Bigelow closed?

We are a year-round program (September to August). We close for the standard holidays, the last week of August, the week between Christmas and New Year’s, and the week of April Vacation. We are also closed for two professional development days per year.

Is your contract based on a yearly commitment?

Yes, our contract covers an annual term.

Will my child go outdoors?

Yes, we have an on-site play area that the children will visit every day (weather permitting, of course).

What if I don’t want my child to go on field trips?

Every field trip is scheduled with advanced notice, and parents can opt out if they do not want their child to attend.

How do you make sure that only the people I designate (grandparent, caregiver) can pick-up my child aside from me?

Parents can designate an alternate caregiver to drop-off or pick-up their child. After signing an authorization form, the parent introduces the new caregiver to their child’s teachers so that everyone knows exactly who they are. All children’s caregivers must sign-in and sign-out every day.

Do you offer enrichment for the children?

Once per week the children have music and movement enrichment with professional musicians.

Do you provide diapers? Wipes? Milk?

Parents provide diapers for their children to ensure they get exactly the right fit for them. We provide wipes and organic milk at lunch according to USDA guidelines.

As a member of a cooperative school what are the parent obligations/expectations?

As a school that strives to create a strong sense of community, parent participation in the activities described below helps us realize that goal.

1) All families are expected to attend a two-hour work shift in their child’s classroom two times per month on a day their child is present. In lieu of on-site work shifts, there are other options that you can choose from as a way to connect with the classroom.

2) At least one member from each family is expected to attend our community meetings and classroom meetings. These meeting tend to happen every other month. Translation services may be available upon request.

3) At least one member from each family is expected to join a parent committee.

4) Families will be required to attend one of two clean up days, one in the fall and one in the spring.

Any hardship you encounter that prevents you from participating in these activities will be accommodated.

What if I don’t have time to be on a committee?

If you don’t have time to be on a committee, we can discuss the alternate options available for parents to participate in our cooperative daycare community. Single parents are exempt from serving on committees.

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